• Welcome to Bapa


06/02/2020 – Congress – Subscriptions are possible at the registration desk on Thursday 6th ! – cash payment only !

Event Phone: 016 34 46 02

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  • Pijnbeleid bij kinderen / Gestion de la douleur de l'enfant
     February 6, 2020
     8:00 am - 4:45 pm

(Version français ci-dessous) Programma ( NL): 08u00: Registraties 08u30: Onthaal en inleiding (Koen Vanhonsebrouck, Joris Verlooy & Johan Berghmans) 08u45: Pathofysiologie (Maarten Mensink) (NL) 09u15: Pijnstilling op spoed (Paulette De Backer) (FR) 09u45: Opioïden: plaats in de dagelijkse praktijk? (Frédéric Lebrun) (FR) 10u15 – 10u45: Koffiepauze 10h45: Establishing trust with children (Baruch Krauss) (ENG) 12u15 – (more…)

Refresher Course BAPA & SKA – Saturday 18th of January 2020 – FULLY BOOKED – no on site registers possible!

Event Phone: 016 34 46 02

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  • Refresher Course BAPA in collaboration with SKA 2020
     January 18, 2020
     8:45 am - 3:30 pm

Refresher Course Program: 08h45: Registrations 09h15: Welcome by Thierry Pirotte ( BAPA) & Lonneke Staals ( SKA) Moderators: Thierry Pirotte & Roger Froklage 09h30: Preoperative examination : some red flags to keep in mind ( Francis Veyckemans, CHRU Lille) 10h00: Preoperative preparation: new approaches ( Lonneke Staals, Erasmus MC-Sophia) 10h30: coffee break 11h00: Fluid Management (more…)


Event Phone: +32 16 34 46 02

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  • Annual Meeting BAPA 2019
     April 27, 2019
     8:20 am - 3:00 pm

Program Annual Meeting: 08h20: Registrations 08h50: Welcome by Thierry Pirotte Chair: Vera Saldien & Thierry Pirotte Neonatal session: 09h00 – 09h30: Neonate resuscitation ( Filip Cools, UZ Brussel) ( Neonatologist) 09h30 – 10h30: Surgical Procedures at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – PRO: ( Antonius Mulder, UZA) ( Neonatologist) – CON: ( Raymond Reding, UCL) ( Pediatric surgeon) (more…)

Refresher Course BAPA & SKA – 19th of January 2019 – Sint-Elisabeth Ziekenhuis Tilburg – YOU CAN STILL REGISTER TOMORROW ON SITE !!

Event Phone: +32 (0)16 34 46 02

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  • Refresher Course 2019 BAPA & SKA
     January 19, 2019
     8:45 am - 5:30 pm

Program: 08h45: Registration 09h15: Welcome by T. Pirotte ( BAPA) & L. Staals ( SKA)   Moderators: N.Najafi & N. de Groot 09h30: Muscle Relaxants ( Lonneke Staals, Erasmus MC Sophia KinderZiekenhuis) 10h15 : Neuromuscular disorders and malignant hyperthermia ( Luc Heytens, Universitaire Ziekenhuis Antwerpen UZA)   11h00: Coffee break   11h30: General abdominal and urologic (more…)

Pediatrisch Pijnsymposium ‘De weg naar minder pediatrische pijn’ 28/04/2018 – INSCHRIJVEN TER PLAATSE IS NOG MOGELIJK

Event Phone: 016 34 46 02

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  • Pediatrisch Pijn symposium
     April 28, 2018
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Voorlopig programma: 08h00 – 08h30: Registratie en verwelkoming met koffie 08h30 – 08h45: Verwelkoming door Gunnar Buyse (UZ Leuven) en Thierry Pirotte (UCLouvain) PROCEDURELE PIJN 08h45 – 09h15: De Ideale wereld : hoe halen we de pijn weg bij procedures? Piet Leroy (UMC, Maastricht) 09h15 – 09h45: Sedatie door niet anesthesisten : wat zijn de (more…)